The Newest Dish on Jew­ish Fish

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Cen­ter for Jew­ish History

15 West 16th Street

New York City

Jew­ish Book Coun­cil, Met Coun­cil, and the Yeshi­va Uni­ver­si­ty Muse­um at the Cen­ter for Jew­ish His­to­ry present a dis­cus­sion on the culi­nary his­to­ries of the most acquired tastes” of Ashke­nazi Jew­ish cui­sine on Wednes­day, Sep­tem­ber 7, 2016 at the Cen­ter for Jew­ish History.

Dis­cov­er the Jew­ish culi­nary renais­sance of fishy fare from heimishe her­ring to lus­trous locks of lox with Ina Yalof, author of Food and the City in con­ver­sa­tion with Have I Got a Sto­ry for You edi­tor Ezra Glin­ter, Mod­ern Jew­ish Cook­ing author and food jour­nal­ist Leah Koenig, and The Gefilte­ria founders Jef­frey Yoskowitz and Liz Alpern.

The pro­gram includes a guid­ed tour of the Cen­ter for Jew­ish History’s fea­ture exhib­it, Nour­ish­ing Tra­di­tion: Jew­ish Cook­books and the Sto­ries They Tell, led by the project’s cura­tor at the Cen­ter for Jew­ish His­to­ry, and book sign­ing recep­tion over sig­na­ture cock­tails con­coct­ed by The Gefilte­ria, with the pan­elists’ books avail­able for purchase.

6:00 PM Cura­to­r­i­al Tour of Nour­ish­ing Tradition
7:00 PM Fea­tured Pan­el Discussion
8:00 PM Book Sign­ing and Cock­tail Reception