Post­ed by Nao­mi Fire­stone-Teeter

2007 Sami Rohr Prize Choice Award Win­ner Amir Gut­fre­und (Our Holo­caust) has been short­list­ed for this year’s JQ-Wingate Lit­er­ary Prize for his new work The World a Moment Lat­er. Estab­lished in 1977 by the late Harold Hyam Wingate, the Jew­ish Quar­ter­ly-Wingate Lit­er­ary Prize is now in its 31st year. The win­ner of the 2009 prize will receive £4,000. For more infor­ma­tion about the prize, pleast vis­it here.

The com­plete 2009 Shortlist:

Amir Gut­fre­und – The World a Moment Lat­er (Toby Press)

Zoë Heller – The Believ­ers (Fig Tree)

Ladis­laus Löb – Deal­ing with Satan (Jonathan Cape)

Denis Mac­Shane – Glob­al­is­ing Hatred (Wei­den­feld & Nicolson)

Fred Wan­der – The Sev­enth Well (Gran­ta)

Jack­ie Wullschlager – Cha­gall: Love and Exile (Allen Lane)

To read the 2009 press release, please vis­it here.