
Bak­ing with the Brass Sis­ters: Over 125 Recipes for Clas­sic Cakes, Pies, Cook­ies, Breads, Desserts, and Savories from America’s Favorite Home Bakers

  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

Mar­i­lynn and Sheila Brass are on a mis­sion to bring old-fash­ioned Amer­i­can home bak­ing back to every­one’s kitchen. In this book, the sis­ters have ref­er­enced their col­lec­tion of thou­sands of trust­ed man­u­script, cook­books, and hand­writ­ten recipes to redis­cov­er the home-baked treats that were brought to Amer­i­ca from around the world. Bak­ing with the Brass Sis­ters is a clas­sic bak­ing book that peo­ple will keep on their shelves, bake from, and cher­ish for years to come.

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