
Ene­my in the Garden

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

Jews in Amer­i­ca don’t much wor­ry about anti-Semi­tism. It’s some­thing that occurred a long time ago and far away. But what hap­pens when it becomes per­son­al? In Ene­my in the Gar­den, an ordi­nary sub­ur­ban fam­i­ly faces this lurk­ing threat when they awake to find a swasti­ka burned into their lawn.

Ene­my in the Gar­den cen­ters on the Millers: hus­band Har­vey, wife Nora, and teenaged Lau­rie and Jonathan, liv­ing a nor­mal mid­dle-class life on Long Island. Nora enjoys her sub­ur­ban par­adise — she buys upscale food, chauf­feurs her two chil­dren to sports teams, plays ten­nis and goes sail­ing with her church-going friends. Enraged by the swasti­ka, Nora seeks clues to what prompt­ed the hate crime by attend­ing meet­ings of the neigh­bor­hood neo-Nazis known as the Amer­i­can Clan. As a con­se­quence, her hus­band dis­ap­pears from a ral­ly in the park and Nora’s secure, idyl­lic world vanishes.

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