
Gen­er­a­tion Chef

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

Chef Jon­ah Miller dined at a four-star New York City restau­rant when he was 13 years old — because his best friend got din­ner-for-two as a bar mitz­vah present. After a kitchen tour, Jon­ah had one ques­tion: could they work there for free over the sum­mer? A lit­tle over a decade lat­er, he start­ed rais­ing mon­ey for his own place, Huer­tas.

Gen­er­a­tion Chef is Jon­ah’s sto­ry — and the sto­ry of the first gen­er­a­tion to grow up with the goal of becom­ing a celebri­ty chef. It’s also about fam­i­ly, about par­ents who sup­port­ed a risky career choice and the friends who stepped in to help out; about mil­len­ni­als with an ambi­tious agen­da; about a young chef’s pas­sion, set against the roller­coast­er real­i­ties of a tough business.

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