

  • Review
April 2, 2014

When two good friends in Mex­i­co City are bul­lied day after day at school, one of them comes up with an inge­nious solu­tion. He will cre­ate a lit­tle golem, a golemi­to, from clay to exact revenge on their tor­men­tors. And so he does — a tiny Aztec war­rior who, in the tra­di­tion of golems, grows big­ger and big­ger and begins to spin out of con­trol. He is, how­ev­er, respon­sive to Nahu­atl poet­ry, which turns out to be the key to turn­ing him back to dust. In the inter­im, hap­pi­ly, he does his job of cut­ting the bul­lies down to size. The award-win­ning author and illus­tra­tors have cre­at­ed some­thing very unique here. The mar­riage of the Lati­no and Jew­ish cul­tures is extreme­ly appeal­ing and the graph­ic illus­tra­tions are evoca­tive and arrest­ing. It should be not­ed that although it’s a pic­ture book for­mat, this is not for the usu­al pic­ture book crowd; it’s geared for a third to sixth grad­er. It has quite a bit of text, and is, what with the whole idea of a golem, even for its old­er audi­ence, fair­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed. (And it is def­i­nite­ly not a pre­scrip­tion for how to han­dle bul­lies in real life!)

Rec­om­mend­ed for ages 811.

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