
How to Be a Finan­cial Grownup

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

Reuters colum­nist and TV anchor Bob­bi Rebell taps into her exclu­sive net­work of busi­ness lead­ers to share sto­ries of finan­cial lessons they learned ear­ly in their lives that helped them become suc­cess­ful. She then uses these sto­ries as jump­ing off points to give read­ers spe­cif­ic, action­able advice on how they can be finan­cial grownups, too.

Finan­cial role mod­els such as High­Tow­er Advi­sors’ CEO Elliot Weiss­bluth, actor Jill Kargman, entre­pre­neur Ivan­ka Trump, Huge Inc.‘s Aaron Shapiro, author Tony Rob­bins, Zil­low’s CEO Spencer Ras­coff, Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary, Mad Mon­ey’s Jim Cramer, and oth­ers share their stories.

Read­ers will get invalu­able finan­cial advice on real estate, invest­ing, debt man­age­ment, careers, friends and mon­ey, fam­i­ly finances, and even health and well­ness. The book will appeal to young peo­ple, but also to any­one inter­est­ed in new ideas to bet­ter man­age their finances.

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