
I Am My Moth­er’s Daugh­ter: Wis­dom on Life, Loss, and Love

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

Dara Kurtz kept a Ziploc bag of let­ters writ­ten by her moth­er, who died from can­cer when Dara was 28 years old. This bag also includ­ed let­ters writ­ten by her depart­ed Jew­ish grand­moth­ers. Fear­ing the sad­ness these let­ters might bring, Dara left the Ziploc bag buried in her home for decades. Dara often longed to ask her moth­er and grand­moth­ers for their advice, espe­cial­ly when she, like her moth­er, was diag­nosed with can­cer at the age of 42. Even­tu­al­ly, Dara opened the bag of let­ters and reread them. They brought back beau­ti­ful fam­i­ly mem­o­ries, taught her many life lessons about the love between moth­ers and daugh­ters, and the wis­dom passed on from one gen­er­a­tion to the next. Dara passed down these fam­i­ly tra­di­tions to her two daugh­ters, who car­ry on the lega­cy con­tained in the Ziploc bag. Dara want­ed to share this lega­cy and the lessons she learned in over­com­ing can­cer with oth­ers. Refo­cus­ing her life, she launched a suc­cess­ful blog, Crazy Per­fect Life, to inspire oth­ers to make the most of every day of their lives.

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