
Last Chance for Justice

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
Detail­ing the sto­ry of the reopen­ing of the Birm­ing­ham, Alaba­ma, church bomb­ing of 1963, this insid­er’s account divulges the ins and outs of the inves­ti­ga­tion led by detec­tive Ben Her­ren of the Birm­ing­ham Police Depart­ment and spe­cial agent Bill Flem­ing of the FBI. For more than a year, they ana­lyzed the orig­i­nal FBI files on the bomb­ing and activ­i­ties of the Ku Klux Klan, then began a search for new evi­dence. Their first inter­view — with Klans­man Bob­by Frank Cher­ry — broke open the case, but not in the way they expect­ed. Her­ren and Flem­ing unearthed lost evi­dence and con­vinced long-silent wit­ness­es to tell their sto­ries. With tenac­i­ty, humor, ded­i­ca­tion, and some luck, Her­ren and Flem­ing encoun­tered the worst and best in human nature on their jour­ney to find jus­tice, and per­haps clo­sure, for the cit­i­zens of Birm­ing­ham. Last Chance for Jus­tice is the inside sto­ry of one of the most infa­mous crimes of the civ­il rights era, told by the first Jew­ish offi­cer in the Birm­ing­ham Police Department. 

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