
Life’s Acces­sories: A Mem­oir and Fash­ion Guide

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

Rachel Levy Less­er can relive almost every sig­nif­i­cant life event through an acces­so­ry. A scarf, a pair of ear­rings, a bag, even a fleece pair of socks — each con­tains the ele­ments that put togeth­er the sto­ry of a life. Life’s Acces­sories is a fun­ny, sad, touch­ing, relat­able, shake-your-head-right-along-as-you-laugh-and-wipe-away-tears, com­ing-of-age mem­oir. In four­teen essays, Less­er tack­les sen­si­tive issues like anx­i­ety, ill­ness, and loss in a way that feels a bit like hav­ing a chat with a good friend. Out of the sto­ries comes sol­id life — and fash­ion — advice. About far more than just a hair tie, a bracelet, or a belt, Life’s Acces­sories is a win­dow into the many ways in which Less­er has come to under­stand life — in all of its beau­ty, its joys, its sor­rows, its heartaches, its chal­lenges, and its absurdity.

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