
Oxford Messed Up

Andrea Kayne Kaufman
  • From the Publisher
April 23, 2012
Glo­ria Zim­mer­man, a chutz­padik Jew­ish girl from Chica­go is a most unusu­al mod­ern day Mac­cabee who defeats the Oxford estab­lish­ment.

As a Rhodes Schol­ar and aca­d­e­m­ic super­star, she has come to Oxford to study fem­i­nist poet­ry. Yet the rig­ors of the acad­e­my pale in com­par­i­son with the untreat­ed Obses­sive-Com­pul­sive Dis­or­der that she suf­fers, fueled by her over­achiev­ing Jew­ish par­ents, and man­i­fest­ed in a death­ly aver­sion to germs and human con­tact. Her OCD has left her hands rubbed raw and her psy­che shat­tered.

Her dor­mi­to­ry room neigh­bor (who is also, to her mor­ti­fi­ca­tion, her loo­mate) is Hen­ry Young, the appeal­ing but under­achiev­ing musi­cian son of an over­bear­ing and dis­ap­prov­ing Oxford don.

Who knew that life in one Oxford dorm, with a shared bath­room, would become the cat­a­lyst for self-exam­i­na­tion and explo­ration not only of one’s soul,but ulti­mate­ly of one’s soul­mate? The lyrics of Van Morrison’s music, the sweet­ness of fresh suf­ganiy­ot, and an old claw­foot bath­tub pro­voke this unex­pect­ed Hanukkah tale where the exot­ic locale of Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty is an engag­ing back­drop for true learn­ing as Glo­ria Zim­mer­man and Hen­ry Young dis­cov­er the love­li­ness in their own germs and each oth­er, the best Hanukkah treat of all.

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