
The Fix

Arje Shaw
  • From the Publisher
April 20, 2012
The Fix tells the sto­ry of Eddie Park­er (Aryeh Pyatiegorskia) a Russ­ian born immi­grant who arrives in new York City at the age of eight from a Ger­man Dis­place­ment Camp in 1949 with his par­ents and younger sis­ter.

Eddie grows up on the Low­er East Side to become a com­pul­sive gam­bler and book­ie. He uses his son, a High School All Amer­i­can bas­ket­ball star, to fix games for the mob. That’s the out­er sto­ry. the inside sto­ry is one of fathers and sons-what pulls them togeth­er and rips them apart.


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