
The Lob­ster Kings

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

From the inter­na­tion­al­ly acclaimed author of Touch comes a pow­er­ful fam­i­ly saga steeped in the leg­ends of the sea. The Lob­ster Kings tan­gles with the ques­tions of fam­i­ly and his­to­ry and intro­duces a fiery and unfor­get­table heroine.

The Kings fam­i­ly has lived on Loose­wood Island for three hun­dred years, blessed with the boun­ty of the sea. But for the Kings, this bless­ing comes with a curse: the loss of every first­born son. Now, Woody Kings, the leader of the island’s lob­ster fish­ing com­mu­ni­ty and the fam­i­ly patri­arch, teeters on the throne, and Cordelia, the old­est of Woody’s three daugh­ters, stands to inher­it the crown. To do so, how­ev­er, she must defend her island from meth deal­ers from the main­land, while nav­i­gat­ing sib­ling rival­ry and the vul­ner­a­ble nature of her own heart. 

Inspired by William Shake­speare’s King Lear, The Lob­ster Kings is the sto­ry of Cordeli­a’s strug­gle to main­tain her island’s way of life in the face of dan­ger from off­shore, and the loom­ing, myth­i­cal lega­cy of her fam­i­ly’s namesake.

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