
The Plea­sure Plan: One Wom­an’s Search for Sex­u­al Healing

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

Based on her pop­u­lar essays in New York TimesMod­ern Love” col­umn and Salon, Lau­ra Zam’s The Plea­sure Plan is a mem­oir and sex­u­al heal­ing guide. It’s also a love sto­ry. In her for­ties, Lau­ra Zam mar­ried the man of her dreams after a life-long search. Every­thing was pic­ture-per­fect except … child­hood sex­u­al abuse had left Lau­ra with hang-ups” like chron­ic low libido and phys­i­cal pain. She suf­fered silent­ly, ashamed of feel­ing bed­room bro­ken.” Also, as the daugh­ter of a Holo­caust sur­vivor, Lau­ra believed dam­age caused by abuse was per­ma­nent. But then a Jew­ish the­ater inter­vened, offer­ing her a play com­mis­sion. Could writ­ing an auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal com­e­dy about over­com­ing gen­er­a­tional trau­ma heal her? Laura’s odyssey, thir­ty recov­ery meth­ods, includes cut­ting-edge work­shops in inti­ma­cy, con­sent, desire, and menopause. Amidst these adven­tures, Zam seam­less­ly inter­weaves post-#MeToo con­ver­sa­tions tales of her Auschwitz-sur­viv­ing mom and a clear-eyed view of how med­ical and psy­cho­log­i­cal providers might bet­ter serve women deal­ing with sex chal­lenges. The Plea­sure Plan empow­ers women to speak up, seek help, and take charge of their own health.

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