
Very Near to You: Human Read­ings of the Torah

  • From the Publisher
April 23, 2012
The book is a new inter­pre­ta­tion of the week­ly Torah read­ing. It is writ­ten from a world view deeply com­mit­ted to Judaism, which places the respon­si­bil­i­ty of inter­pre­ta­tion and iden­ti­ty on each one of us. The Torah is not in heav­en but in the heart and mouth of you and me, to study it and to live by it.

Through this book the author tries to involve the read­er in the lan­guage of the five books of Moses that has been present in our lives for thou­sands of years. It’s a lan­guage which is human, uni­ver­sal, moral, his­tor­i­cal and nation­al.

My inter­pre­ta­tion is one of many and I try to invite the read­er or stu­dent to argue or to agree, to add or to sub­tract from my inter­pre­ta­tion, or even bet­ter to devel­op their own inter­pre­ta­tion and spread it around.” Avra­ham Burg-Author


Discussion Questions