Our auc­tion is live! Have you ever looked inside a Jew­ish cook­book and imag­ined learn­ing how to make one of the dish­es straight from the chef? Or, per­haps, have a New York Times men­tioned cock­tail con­nois­seur come to your home and give a per­son­al cock­tail mak­ing class for you and your friends? Well, Jew­ish Book Coun­cil is giv­ing you your chance!

In cel­e­bra­tion of the Nation­al Jew­ish Book Awards’ inau­gur­al Food Writ­ing & Cook­books award, we are host­ing a silent auc­tion that offers a high­ly-curat­ed selec­tion of unique expe­ri­ences. Each item show­cas­es a Jew­ish indi­vid­ual or expe­ri­ence involved in the world of food and bev­er­age, and funds will sup­port Jew­ish Book Coun­cil’s year-round efforts to edu­cate and enrich the com­mu­ni­ty through Jew­ish literature.

*Click here to view and bid on these amaz­ing Jew­ish and culi­nary opportunities!*

Check back lat­er this week for new items!