Cel­e­brate Jew­ish Book Month with #30days30authors! In hon­or of the 90th anniver­sary of Fan­ny Gold­stein’s trib­ute to Jew­ish books in the West End’s branch of the Boston Pub­lic Library, Jew­ish Book Coun­cil invit­ed 30 lead­ing authors, one for each day of the month, to answer a few questions. 
Ann D. Koff­sky is an edi­tor at Behrman House Pub­lish­ers. She is also an author and illus­tra­tor of more than 30 of her own books, includ­ing Kay­la and Kugel, Kay­la and Kugel’s Almost Per­fect Passover, Frogs in the Bed, and Noah’s Swim-A-Thon. Ann also cre­ates a month­ly Jew­ish col­or­ing page for kids, which is avail­able for free on her blog.If you would like to see about of Ann’s art­work or books, or to sign up to receive col­or­ing pages, you can vis­it her web­site at www​.annkoff​sky​.com. Ann lives in West Hemp­stead, NY with her hus­band and three chil­dren.

Ann Koff­sky is the author/​illustrator of more than 30 Jew­ish books for chil­dren, includ­ing the Kay­la and Kugel series, Judah Mac­cabee Goes to the Doc­tor, and Cre­ation Col­ors. She is also an edi­tor at Behrman House Pub­lish­ers. Ann’s work has also been fea­tured in The Wash­ing­ton Times, The Philadel­phia Inquir­er, Jew­ish Action Mag­a­zine, Mish­pacha Mag­a­zine, Hadas­sah Mag­a­zine, and on hun­dreds of greet­ing cards, for com­pa­nies like Hall­mark Cards and Cost­co. Pre­vi­ous to her posi­tion at Behrman House, Ann was an adjunct pro­fes­sor of art at Stern Col­lege for Women. Ann lives in West Hemp­stead, NY with her hus­band and three children.