Yom HaShoah com­mem­o­rates the voic­es silenced by the Holo­caust and hon­ors the resis­tance efforts dur­ing this time. April is Nation­al Poet­ry Month and so we offer up sev­er­al col­lec­tions of poet­ry that invite read­ers to reflect on the tragedy of the Holocaust. 

The Book of Anna by Joy Ladin

Aunt Bird by Yer­ra Sugarman

From the Vil­na Ghet­to to Nurem­berg: Mem­oir and Tes­ti­mo­ny by Abra­ham Sutzkev­er, trans­lat­ed and edit­ed by Justin D. Cammy

New Voic­es: Con­tem­po­rary Writ­ers Con­fronting the Holo­caust edit­ed by Matthew Sil­ver­man and Howard Debs 

How to Spot One of Us: Poems by Janet R. Kirchheimer