
Half Notes from Berlin: A Com­ing of Age Sto­ry Set in 1933 Berlin

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Fif­teen-year-old Hans attends school in Berlin and sings in the city’s pres­ti­gious Youth Choir. His placid world changes when his his­to­ry teacher appears in class in a brown shirt, yells Heil, Hitler!” and pro­ceeds to teach the stu­dents Nazi pro­pa­gan­da. Han­s’s friends join the Hitler Youth and begin mer­ci­less­ly taunt­ing Rebec­ca, a defi­ant Jew­ish stu­dent with whom Hans is in love. When Hans learns his moth­er’s fam­i­ly has kept its own her­itage a secret, and that he is half-Jew­ish, he’s thrust between two worlds, fac­ing great dan­ger and ter­ri­ble choices.

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