
Love Is Nev­er Past Tense…

  • From the Publisher
April 20, 2012
Drawn togeth­er in Rus­sia on a roman­tic Black Sea beach. Serge and Jan­na fall head­long in love and rush into mar­riage. She is Jew­ish, he is not. His rel­a­tives sus­pect her of ulte­ri­or motives. Their mar­riage suf­fers, and divorce leads to years of if only …” Pres­sured apart by fam­i­ly, fate, and fool­ish­ness, they repeat­ed­ly cross paths, nev­er quite recon­nect­ing, nev­er quite let­ting go.

Their sep­a­rate des­tinies, shaped by post-Sovi­et polit­i­cal intrigue, morph into a strug­gle for sur­vival and dreams of a bet­ter life. Anti-Semi­tism forces her to flee with only $126 and her fam­i­ly. The Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty helps her out of Rus­sia, across Europe and on to Amer­i­ca. Years lat­er, dis­tant mem­o­ries of young, pas­sion­ate love, revive their inti­mate con­nec­tion to remind them — and us — that Love is Nev­er Past Tense…

Jan­na Yeshano­va has writ­ten her life sto­ry as a nov­el: a clas­sic Russ­ian tale of love, loss, betray­al and the even­tu­al reunion of star crossed lovers set against the unfold­ing of dra­mat­ic polit­i­cal intrigue writ large. Beneath the adven­ture and romance is a deep­er sto­ry of achiev­ing your dreams regard­less of obsta­cles placed on your way. Book web­site: www​.loveis​n​ev​er​past​tense​.com

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