
The Wid­ow of Wall Street

  • From the Publisher
January 10, 2017

Phoebe rec­og­nizes fire in Jake Pierce’s bel­ly from the moment they meet as teenagers. As he cre­ates a finan­cial dynasty, she trusts him with­out hes­i­ta­tion — unaware his hunger for suc­cess hides a dark tal­ent for deception.

When Phoebe learns her husband’s tri­umph and vast reach rests on an elab­o­rate Ponzi scheme her world unrav­els. As Jake’s crime is uncov­ered, the world obsess­es about Phoebe. Did she know her life was fab­ri­cat­ed by fraud? Was she his accomplice?

While Jake is trapped in the web of his deceit, Phoebe is caught in an unbear­able choice. Her chil­dren refuse to see her if she remains at their father’s side, but aban­don­ing him feels cru­el and impossible.

From pent­house to prison, with trag­ic con­se­quences rip­pling well beyond Wall Street, Randy Susan Meyers’s lat­est nov­el expos­es a woman strug­gling to sur­vive and then rede­fine her life as her world crumbles.

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