
Wher­ev­er You Go, There They Are

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

A hys­ter­i­cal­ly fun­ny and sly­ly insight­ful new col­lec­tion of essays from New York Times best­selling author Annabelle Gur­witch about her own fam­i­ly of scam artists and huck­sters, as well as the sis­ter­hoods, tem­po­rary tribes, com­mu­ni­ties, and cults who have become sur­ro­gates along the way. With her wry wit and hard-learned wis­dom, Gur­witch explores the inescapable yet reward­ing real­i­ties of life with her rel­a­tives and her south­ern Jew­ish roots, as well as her flir­ta­tion with sur­ro­gate fam­i­lies, includ­ing the­ater folk, pet peo­ple, the sis­ter­hood, and the ladies who brunch at Tel Aviv Gar­dens Retire­ment Home in Mia­mi Flori­da. She’s learned that for bet­ter or for worse (you can guess which) it’s worth cel­e­brat­ing the tra­di­tions, rit­u­als, and recipes that come with a shared mythol­o­gy and lega­cy, even if her own inher­i­tance amounts to a small plot of land split between five rel­a­tives on an ill-fat­ed sliv­er of sand known as Mas­sacre Island. Writ­ten with haunt­ing detail, poignant fam­i­ly moments, laugh-out-loud com­e­dy, and social com­men­tary, Gur­witch deliv­ers a provoca­tive trea­tise on the impor­tance and insan­i­ty of fam­i­ly. Wher­ev­er You Go, There They Are is a must-read for any­one who’s even occa­sion­al­ly been frus­trat­ed by the peo­ple they share car­bo­hy­drate-laden meals with every year.

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