Cel­e­brate Jew­ish Book Month with #30days30authors! JBC invit­ed an author to share thoughts on #Jew­Lit for each day of Jew­ish Book Month. Watch, read, enjoy, and dis­cov­er! 

Today, Annabelle Gur­witch, author of Wher­ev­er You Go, There They Are: Sto­ries About My Fam­i­ly You Might Relate To, rec­om­mends a book for you to read. 

Annabelle Gur­witch is an actress, activist, and New York Times best­selling author of five books. Her most recent mem­oir You’re Leav­ing When?” is a New York Times Favorite Book for Healthy Liv­ing. She’s a two-time final­ist for the Thurber Prize for Amer­i­can Humor Writ­ing. Annabelle co-host­ed the pop­u­lar Din­ner & a Movie” series on TBS for six sea­sons and was a reg­u­lar NPR com­men­ta­tor whose act­ing cred­its include: Sein­feld, Dex­ter, Bet­ter Things, and Mur­phy Brown. Her writ­ing appears in the New York Times, Wash­ing­ton Post, Los Ange­les Times, New York­er and Hadas­sah. Annabelle has been fea­tured on The Today Show, Good Morn­ing Amer­i­ca, Real Time with Bill Maher, PBS New­shour, Oprah, CBS Ear­ly Show. Appear­ances include: The Moth Main­stage, Car­o­lines on Broad­way, the 92nd street Y, Google Talks, The Carter Cen­ter, SXSW, George Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty, The Cis Maisel Cen­ter for Juda­ic Stud­ies, per­form­ing arts cen­ters around the country.