Post­ed by Nao­mi Firestone-Teeter

Look­ing for any of these?

A his­to­ry of Jew­ish New Orleans. A 1970 copy of Israel on $5 a Day.” Crime nov­els such as Mur­der on the Kib­butz.” A three-vol­ume his­to­ry of the Jews of Mus­lim Spain. A 17th-cen­tu­ry Bib­lia Hebraica, print­ed in Hebrew and Latin. The Bagel Bible for Bagel Lovers: A Com­plete Guide to Great Nosh­ing” (sec­ond edition).

If so, Hen­ry Hol­lan­der is your guy. Locat­ed in San Fran­cis­co, Hollander’s book­shop boasts some 15,000 vol­umes of Judaica, includ­ing many out-of-print titles. Sounds like a Jew­ish book lover’s delight! Read more about Hol­lan­der over at  J.Weekly.

Orig­i­nal­ly from Lan­cast­er, Penn­syl­va­nia, Nao­mi is the CEO of Jew­ish Book Coun­cil. She grad­u­at­ed from Emory Uni­ver­si­ty with degrees in Eng­lish and Art His­to­ry and, in addi­tion, stud­ied at Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege Lon­don. Pri­or to her role as exec­u­tive direc­tor, Nao­mi served as the found­ing edi­tor of the JBC web­site and blog and man­ag­ing edi­tor of Jew­ish Book World. In addi­tion, she has over­seen JBC’s dig­i­tal ini­tia­tives, and also devel­oped the JBC’s Vis­it­ing Scribe series and Unpack­ing the Book: Jew­ish Writ­ers in Conversation.