
The Last of the Seven

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

A spell­bind­ing nov­el of World War II based on the lit­tle-known his­to­ry of the X Troop —a team of Euro­pean Jews who escaped the Con­ti­nent only to join the British Army and return home to exact their revenge on Hitler’s mil­i­tary. A lone sol­dier wear­ing a Ger­man uni­form stum­bles into a British mil­i­tary camp in the North African desert with an incred­i­ble sto­ry to tell. He is the only sur­vivor of an under­cov­er oper­a­tion meant to infil­trate a Nazi base, trad­ing on the sol­diers’ per­fect flu­en­cy in Ger­man. For this man is not British born but instead a Ger­man Jew seek­ing revenge for the deaths of his fam­i­ly back home in Berlin. As the Allies advance into Europe, the young lieu­tenant is brought to recov­er in Sici­ly, where he’s recruit­ed by a British major to join the new­ly formed X Troop, a com­man­do unit com­posed of Ger­man and Aus­tri­an Jews that’s train­ing for a top secret mis­sion at a near­by camp in the Sicil­ian hills. They are all lost boys,” dri­ven not by patri­o­tism but by vengeance. Draw­ing on metic­u­lous research into this unique group of sol­diers, The Last of the Sev­en is a lyri­cal, propul­sive his­tor­i­cal nov­el per­fect for read­ers of Mark Sul­li­van, Robert Har­ris and Alan Furst.

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