Attend the 73rd Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award Cel­e­bra­tion Event

This morn­ing, Jew­ish Book Coun­cil announced the win­ners of the 73rd Nation­al Jew­ish Book Awards live at the Mar­lene Mey­er­son JCC Man­hat­tan as part of the JCC’s Books That Changed My Life fes­ti­val. The Nation­al Jew­ish Book Awards is one of Jew­ish Book Council’s longest-run­ning pro­grams and pro­vides a ter­rif­ic oppor­tu­ni­ty for authors who write excep­tion­al books with Jew­ish con­tent to be rec­og­nized. And — extra­or­di­nar­i­ly impor­tant — the awards bring to the fore books that may give read­ers one more way, per­haps a new way, to con­nect with their Judaism,” says Elisa Spun­gen Bild­ner, Pres­i­dent of Jew­ish Book Coun­cil. This year JBC worked with over 100 judges to con­sid­er over 650 submissions.

The win­ning books include Time’s Echo: The Sec­ond World War, the Holo­caust, and the Music of Remem­brance by Jere­my Eich­ler (Alfred A. Knopf), which was named the Everett Fam­i­ly Foun­da­tion Book of the Year and won both the His­to­ry Ger­rard and Ella Berman Memo­r­i­al Award and the Holo­caust Award in Mem­o­ry of Ernest W. Michel. In Time’s Echo, Jere­my Eich­ler pays homage to some of the twen­ti­eth century’s most cel­e­brat­ed com­posers who memo­ri­al­ized the Sec­ond World War and the Holo­caust in their music as he uses their com­po­si­tions to illu­mi­nate the land­scape of post­war Europe and Amer­i­ca. With the ears of a crit­ic and the tools of a his­to­ri­an,” Eich­ler intro­duces a new way of under­stand­ing his­to­ry – lis­ten­ing with an under­stand­ing of music as time’s echo.” It is a ground­break­ing achieve­ment in memo­r­i­al his­to­ry,” as not­ed by our judges.

James McBride wins his first two Nation­al Jew­ish Book Awards, the JJ Green­berg Memo­r­i­al Award for Fic­tion, and The Miller Fam­i­ly Book Club Award in Mem­o­ry of Helen Dunn Wein­stein and June Keit Miller, for his nov­el The Heav­en and Earth Gro­cery Store (River­head Books, a divi­sion of Pen­guin Ran­dom House). Ruth Madievsky wins the Gold­berg Prize for Debut Fic­tion with her nov­el All-Night Phar­ma­cy (Cat­a­pult). The Hebrew Fic­tion in Trans­la­tion Jane Weitz­man Award goes to Yariv Inbar for his book Oper­a­tion Beth­le­hem (Gen­era Ven­tures Ltd), trans­lat­ed by Dalit Shmueli. The Sephardic Cul­ture Mimi S. Frank Award in Mem­o­ry of Becky Levy is award­ed to Kan­ti­ka by Eliz­a­beth Graver (Met­ro­pol­i­tan Books).

Ben­jamin Balint is the recip­i­ent of the Biog­ra­phy Award in Mem­o­ry of Sara Beren­son Stone for his book Bruno Schulz: An Artist, a Mur­der, and the Hijack­ing of His­to­ry (W. W. Nor­ton & Com­pa­ny), and Sab­ri­na Orah Mark is award­ed the The Krauss Fam­i­ly Award In Mem­o­ry of Simon & Shu­lamith (Sofi) Gold­berg for Auto­bi­og­ra­phy & Mem­oir for her mem­oir, Hap­pi­ly: A Per­son­al His­to­ry — with Fairy Tales (Ran­dom House).

Richard Ho wins the Children’s Pic­ture Book Tra­cy and Lar­ry Brown Fam­i­ly Award for Two New Years, illus­trat­ed by Lynn Scur­field (Chron­i­cle Books). Elana K. Arnold receives the Young Adult Lit­er­a­ture Award for The Blood Years (Balz­er + Bray / Harper­Collins Children’s Books), and the Mid­dle Grade Lit­er­a­ture Award goes to The Dubi­ous Pranks of Shaindy Good­man by Mari Lowe (Levine Querido).

The Jane and Stu­art Weitz­man Fam­i­ly Award for Food Writ­ing and Cook­books goes to Kib­b­itz & Nosh: When We All Met at Dubrow’s Cafe­te­ria by Mar­cia Brick­er Halperin (Three Hills / Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty Press), and Car­lie Hoff­man wins the Berru Poet­ry Award in Mem­o­ry of Ruth and Bernie Wein­flash for When There Was Light (Four Way Books).

The Mod­ern Jew­ish Thought and Expe­ri­ence Dorot Foun­da­tion Award in Mem­o­ry of Joy Unger­lei­der Award is pre­sent­ed to Jere­my Brown, for his book The Eleventh Plague; Jews and Pan­demics from the Bible to COVID-19 (Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty Press), and the Schol­ar­ship Nahum Sar­na Memo­r­i­al Award is giv­en to Mira Bal­berg for her book Frac­tured Tablets: For­get­ful­ness and Fal­li­bil­i­ty in Late Ancient Rab­binic Cul­ture (Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia Press).

The Holo­caust Mem­oir Award in Mem­o­ry of Dr. Charles and Ethel Weitz­man goes to Tony Bernard for The Ghost Tat­too (Citadel Press / Kens­ing­ton Books).

This year, we are pleased to present the Men­tor­ship Award in Hon­or of Car­olyn Star­man Hes­sel to Altie Karp­er. There are just a few leg­endary edi­tors across gen­res whose names are syn­ony­mous with the high­est qual­i­ty and the most influ­en­tial books; in our field, that leg­endary edi­tor is Altie Karper. 

As the man­ag­ing edi­tor for Pan­theon and Schock­en and edi­to­r­i­al direc­tor of Schock­en, and for all the years and posi­tions that she has held pri­or, Karp­er has been at the fore­front of pro­mot­ing Jew­ish lit­er­a­ture, and tru­ly uphold­ing the his­to­ry and mis­sion of Schock­en Books. Karp­er served as Edi­to­r­i­al Direc­tor of Schock­en for twen­ty-three of the years — retir­ing from that posi­tion this past Decem­ber — and in those years helped pub­lish some of the most impor­tant Jew­ish books in recent history.

This year, JBC has part­nered with inde­pen­dent book­stores to cel­e­brate the news of the 73rd Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award win­ners. If you are an inde­pen­dent book­stores that is inter­est­ed in join­ing our efforts this year and mov­ing for­ward, please be in touch with evie@​jewishbooks.​org

A com­plete list of the 73rd Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award win­ners and final­ists can be found below, and addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion is avail­able at www​.Jew​ish​Book​Coun​cil​.org

JBC’s web­site fea­tures a data­base of cur­rent and past Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award win­ners and final­ists; judges’ remarks on the 73rd win­ners and final­ists will also be avail­able after the March 2024 celebration. 

The win­ners of the 73rd Nation­al Jew­ish Book Awards will be hon­ored on Tues­day, March 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM ET at an in-per­son cer­e­mo­ny. The hosts of the 73rd Nation­al Jew­ish Book Awards are authors Ali­son Rose Green­berg and Bess Kalb. To buy tick­ets for the awards cer­e­mo­ny, click here

If you are a mem­ber of the press and would like to attend this year’s cel­e­bra­tion event, please email Evie at evie@​jewishbooks.​org.

About Jew­ish Book Coun­cil: Jew­ish Book Coun­cil is a non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cat­ed to edu­cat­ing, enrich­ing, and strength­en­ing the com­mu­ni­ty through Jew­ish lit­er­a­ture. Each year, JBC reach­es over half a mil­lion read­ers with its vibrant dig­i­tal pres­ence, in addi­tion to work­ing with over 260 tour­ing authors each year, cre­at­ing resources for over 2,800 book clubs, facil­i­tat­ing over 1,400 events, pre­sent­ing the Nation­al Jew­ish Book Awards and Natan Notable Books, co-host­ing the pop­u­lar lit­er­ary series Unpack­ing the Book: Jew­ish Writ­ers in Con­ver­sa­tion, and pub­lish­ing its annu­al print pub­li­ca­tion, Paper Brigade. JBC ensures that the authors of Jew­ish-inter­est books have a plat­form, and that read­ers are able to find these books and have the tools to dis­cuss them with their communities.

About the Nation­al Jew­ish Book Awards: The Nation­al Jew­ish Book Awards were estab­lished by Jew­ish Book Coun­cil in 1950 in order to rec­og­nize out­stand­ing works of Jew­ish lit­er­a­ture. They are the old­est awards of their kind.

Jew­ish Book of the Year

Everett Fam­i­ly Foun­da­tion Award


Time’s Echo: The Sec­ond World War, the Holo­caust, and the Music of Remem­brance 

Jere­my Eichler

Alfred A Knopf — Pen­guin Ran­dom House

Men­tor­ship Award in Hon­or of Car­olyn Star­man Hessel

Altie Karp­er

Amer­i­can Jew­ish Studies

Cel­e­brate 350 Award


Walk­ers in the City: Jew­ish Street Pho­tog­ra­phers of Mid­cen­tu­ry New York

Deb­o­rah Dash Moore

Three Hills/​Cornell Uni­ver­si­ty Press


The Jews of Sum­mer: Sum­mer Camp and Jew­ish Cul­ture in Post­war Amer­i­ca San­dra Fox

Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Press

Auto­bi­og­ra­phy and Memoir

The Krauss Fam­i­ly Award in Mem­o­ry of Simon & Shu­lamith (Sofi) Goldberg


Hap­pi­ly: A Per­son­al His­to­ry-with Fairy Tales

Sab­ri­na Orah Mark

Ran­dom House


Two Roads Home: Hitler, Stal­in, and the Mirac­u­lous Sur­vival of My Family

Daniel Finkel­stein

Pen­guin Ran­dom House 

Unearthing: A Sto­ry of Tan­gled Love and Fam­i­ly Secrets

Kyo Maclear 



In Mem­o­ry of Sara Beren­son Stone


Bruno Schulz: An Artist, a Mur­der, and the Hijack­ing of History

Ben­jamin Balint

W. W. Nor­ton & Company


Elie Wiesel: Con­fronting the Silence

Joseph Berg­er

Yale Uni­ver­si­ty Press 

And None Shall Make Them Afraid: Eight Sto­ries of the Mod­ern State of Israel

Rick Rich­man

Encounter Books 

The Best Minds: A Sto­ry of Friend­ship, Mad­ness, and the Tragedy of Good Inten­tions 

Jonathan Rosen

Pen­guin Press

Book Club 

The Miller Fam­i­ly Award in Mem­o­ry of Helen Dunn Wein­stein and June Keit Miller


The Heav­en and Earth Gro­cery Store

James McBride

River­head Books, a divi­sion of Pen­guin Ran­dom House.


The Post­card

Anne Berest 

Europa Edi­tions 

Adam Unre­hearsed

Don Fut­ter­man

Wicked Son 

The Wolf Hunt: A Novel

Ayelet Gun­dar-Goshen, Son­dra Sil­ver­ston, trans.

Lit­tle, Brown, and Company 

Once We Were Home: A Novel

Jen­nifer Rosner

Flat­iron Books

Children’s Pic­ture Book

Tra­cy and Lar­ry Brown Family


Two New Years

Richard Ho, Lynn Scur­field, illus.

Chron­i­cle Books


The Inside Name

Ran­di Sonen­shine, Gina Capal­di illus.

Apples & Hon­ey Press, an imprint of Behrman House 

Stars of the Night: The Coura­geous Chil­dren of the Czech Kindertransport

Caren Stel­son, Seli­na Alko, illus.

Lern­er Pub­lish­ing Group

Con­tem­po­rary Jew­ish Life and Practice

Myra H. Kraft Memo­r­i­al Award


Lov­ing Our Own Bones: Dis­abil­i­ty Wis­dom and the Spir­i­tu­al Sub­ver­sive­ness of Know­ing Our­selves Whole

Julia Watts Belser

Bea­con Press


The Secret of Love: A Glimpse into the Mys­ti­cal Wis­dom of Rav Kook 

Aryeh Ben David 

Kas­va Press LLC

Debut Fic­tion

Gold­berg Prize


All-Night Phar­ma­cy

Ruth Madievsky



The Light of Sev­en Days

Riv­er Adams

Del­phini­um Books 

To Die Beautiful

Buzzy Jack­son

Pen­guin Ran­dom House

Edu­ca­tion and Jew­ish Identity

In Mem­o­ry of Dorothy Kripke


Israel 201: Your Next-Lev­el Guide to the Mag­ic, Mys­tery, and Chaos of Life in the Holy Land

Joel Chas­noff and Ben­ji Lovitt

Gefen Pub­lish­ing House


Frayed: The Dis­putes Unrav­el­ing Reli­gious Zion­ists 

Yair Ettinger 

Koren Pub­lish­ers 

Jew­ish Sun­day Schools: Teach­ing Reli­gion in Nine­teenth-Cen­tu­ry America

Lau­ra Yares

NYU Press


JJ Green­berg Memo­r­i­al Award


The Heav­en and Earth Gro­cery Store

James McBride

River­head Books, a divi­sion of Pen­guin Ran­dom House.


The Post­card

Anne Berest 

Europa Edi­tions 

The Wolf Hunt: A Novel

Ayelet Gun­dar-Goshen, Son­dra Sil­ver­ston, trans.

Lit­tle, Brown, and Company 

Ladies’ Lunch

Lore Segal

Melville House Publishing

Food Writ­ing & Cookbooks

Jane and Stu­art Weitz­man Fam­i­ly Award


Kib­b­itz & Nosh: When We All Met at Dubrow’s Cafeteria

Mar­cia Brick­er Halperin

Three Hills / Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty Press


Por­ti­co: Cook­ing and Feast­ing in Rome’s Jew­ish Kitchen

Leah Koenig

W. W. Nor­ton & Company

Hebrew Fic­tion in Translation

Jane Weitz­man Award


Oper­a­tion Bethlehem

Yariv Inbar, Dalit Shmueli, trans.

Gen­era Ven­tures, Ltd.


The Brides­man

Savy­on Leibrecht

Europa Edi­tions 

Some­one’s Secret: A Novel

Snunit Liss

eBookPro Pub­lish­ing


Ger­rard and Ella Berman Memo­r­i­al Award


Time’s Echo: The Sec­ond World War, the Holo­caust, and the Music of Remem­brance Jere­my Eichler

Alfred A Knopf- Pen­guin Ran­dom House


The Jew­ish Eigh­teenth Cen­tu­ry, Vol­ume 2: A Euro­pean Biog­ra­phy, 1750 – 1800 Shmuel Fein­er

Indi­ana Uni­ver­si­ty Press


In Mem­o­ry of Ernest W. Michel


Time’s Echo: The Sec­ond World War, the Holo­caust, and the Music of Remem­brance Jere­my Eichler

Alfred A Knopf- Pen­guin Ran­dom House


Resisters: How Ordi­nary Jews Fought Per­se­cu­tion in Hitler’s Germany

Wolf Gruner 

Yale Uni­ver­si­ty Press 

Rain of Ash: Roma, Jews, and the Holocaust

Ari Joskow­icz

Prince­ton Uni­ver­si­ty Press

Holo­caust Memoir

Holo­caust Mem­oir Award: In Mem­o­ry of Dr. Charles and Ethel Weitzman


The Ghost Tattoo

Tony Bernard

Kens­ing­ton Books


Amer­i­can Wolf: From Nazi Refugee to Amer­i­can Spy

Audrey Birn­baum

Ams­ter­dam Publishers

Daugh­ter of His­to­ry: Traces of an Immi­grant Girlhood

Susan Rubin Suleiman

Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Press

Mid­dle Grade Literature


The Dubi­ous Pranks of Shaindy Good­man 

Mari Lowe

Levine Queri­do


Two Tribes

Emi­ly Bowen Cohen

Harper­Collins / Heartdrum 

The Boy Who Fol­lowed His Father into Auschwitz

Jere­my Dronfield

Harper­Collins / Quill Tree Books 

The Witch of Woodland

Lau­rel Snyder

Harper­Collins / Walden Pond Press

Mod­ern Jew­ish Thought and Experience

Dorot Foun­da­tion Award in Mem­o­ry of Joy Unger­lei­der Mayerson


The Eleventh Plague: Jews and Pan­demics from the Bible to COVID-19

Jere­my Brown

Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty Press



Eri­ca Brown

Koren Pub­lish­ers 

Who Are the Jews-And Who Can We Become?

Don­niel Hartman

Uni­ver­si­ty of Nebras­ka Press/​Jewish Pub­li­ca­tion Society 

Zion­ism: An Emo­tion­al State

Derek J. Penslar

Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty Press


Berru Award in Mem­o­ry of Ruth and Bernie Weinflash


When There Was Light

Car­lie Hoffman

Four Way Books



Michael Duma­n­is

Four Way Books 

Let Our Bod­ies Change the Subject

Jared Harél

Uni­ver­si­ty of Nebras­ka Press 

Impos­si­ble Belonging

Maya Pindy­ck

Anhin­ga Press


Nahum M. Sar­na Memo­r­i­al Award


Frac­tured Tablets: For­get­ful­ness and Fal­li­bil­i­ty in Late Ancient Rab­binic Culture

Mira Bal­berg

Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia Press


The Kab­bal­is­tic Tree / האילן הקבלי

J. H. Chajes

Penn State Uni­ver­si­ty Press 

Liv­ing with the Law: Gen­der and Com­mu­ni­ty Among the Jews of Medieval Egypt

Oded Zinger

Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia Press

Sephardic Cul­ture

Mimi S. Frank Award in Mem­o­ry of Becky Levy



Eliz­a­beth Graver

Met­ro­pol­i­tan Books


A Jew­ish Child­hood in the Mus­lim Mediter­ranean: A Col­lec­tion of Sto­ries Curat­ed by Leïla Sebbar

Lia Broz­gal, Rebec­ca Glas­berg, eds.

Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia Press 

Jew­ish Life in Medieval Spain: A New History

Jonathan Ray

Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia Press

Women’s Stud­ies

Bar­bara Dobkin Award


Between Two Worlds: Jew­ish War Brides after the Holocaust

Robin Judd

Uni­ver­si­ty of North Car­oli­na Press


A Rev­o­lu­tion in Type: Gen­der and the Mak­ing of the Amer­i­can Yid­dish Press

Ayelet Brinn 

NYU Press 

The Weavers of Traut­e­nau: Jew­ish Female Forced Labor in the Holocaust

Janine P. Holc

Bran­deis Uni­ver­si­ty Press

Writ­ing Based on Archival Material

The JDC-Her­bert Katz­ki Award


Between Two Worlds: Jew­ish War Brides after the Holocaust

Robin Judd

Uni­ver­si­ty of North Car­oli­na Press


Pales­tine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Mid­dle East Conflict

Oren Kessler

Row­man & Littlefield

Young Adult Literature


The Blood Years

Elana K. Arnold

Harper­Collins / Balz­er + Bray


Just A Hat

S. Khu­biar

Black­stone Publishing 

Courage to Dream: Tales of Hope in the Holocaust

Neal Shus­ter­man
